
Miranda Loosle Senior Pictures | Hair and makeup by Nicole Cook

Many of my clients will recognize this face--these are pictures I took of my beautiful sister, Mimi (Miranda to everyone else), who acts as my assistant at many of my shoots. Mimi has a very unique personality and I really wanted to capture it in my pictures. Mimi has a thing for hats and cats. No, I didn't realize that would rhyme until after I typed it. Anyway we wanted to incorporate that into the shoot because we really wanted these pictures to be a good representation of how she is at this point in her life. I am so happy with how these turned out and I know most of the credit needs to be given to Mimi for her gorgeous looks. Like I said, the tree is one of my new favorite locations so we just had to shoot there again. We were on our way to shoot at the tree on Geneva Road, when I looked over and realized Utah Lake was completely frozen over. We just HAD to stop and take some pictures with it!

Also, thanks to Nicole Cook for doing Mimi's awesome hair and makeup.


  1. I love these pictures, it seems like to really captured her uniqueness.

  2. I second what Corey said. These are so beautiful-Julie B

  3. These would fit so well in a fashion magazine. You do beautiful work with your photography. So unique and creative.


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