
Old School House

Here is a sneak of a wedding I shot last summer. The bride's Mom wrote a paper when she was in Elementary school, saying she was going to buy her school one day. Well, years later, she actually did buy it! She used it for her daughter's wedding last summer, and will rent it out for a venue. The school is about an hour north of SLC.



As I have booked more and more travel weddings, I've learned how amazing it can be to experience things that are unfamiliar.
Although I was scared at first, traveling has made me brave.
When fears are faced, strength is the outcome.
Every place is different. Different smells. Different views. Different colors. Different sunlight. Different food. Different people.
Experiencing these things has opened my eyes to the way the world can be and the way that people live.
On this earth, people see, smell, taste, struggle, understand, break, bond, love, live, and die.
For thousands of years, this process repeats.
As a photographer, I want to see things from other peoples eyes, and feel things the way they do.
Even if it's just for a tiny moment in time, never to be had again, at least I felt it once.
At least I felt what it would be like to live a different life for a moment.

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